Episodes and Updates

Curi – YAAS Conversation with Lilly!

In epidose 177, Billie has a Curi-YAAS Conversation with Lilly! So oh my gosh we had this convo on April fools day and I am I quite the fool for waiting for so long to get this episode out, so long in fact that Lilly has already recorded an update which maybe out of date soon.

Curi – YAAS Conversation with Joey Faye!

In Episode 176 Billie has a Curi-YAAS Conversation with Joey Faye! We talk about Jean Claude Van Dam, Exploration, Sugar Dating, and more!

Curi – YAAS Conversation with Alexa!

Billie has a Curi - YAAS Conversation with her friend Alexa. Alexa talks about her relationship with her parents, doing drag, and much more.

CrossYAAS Life Updates

Billie and Giselle are back! This time, they talk about what they've been up to, Bhormones, and life changes.

Curi – YAAS Conversation with Rei

In Episode 173 Billie has a Curi-YAAS Conversation with Rei! We talk about going to the doctor for gender stuff, Rei's clothing brand, and more.

Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!